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Don’t dismiss cracked doors

May 31st, 2013

This past Linking Indy Women event was enlightening and of course inspiring for our guests. The feedback has been phenomenal and overwhelming.

Kelly Hartman, President of The Board of Outside the Box, engaged all of us in a passionate discussion about purpose that made us laugh, think, and inspired some of us to get emotional.  As I was thinking about everything I learned from Kelly, there was an overarching theme for me: Don’t dismiss the cracked doors.

Kelly described her career path as a straight line or hallway. She started her career out with a goal and she was walking down the hallway to open the door at the end to that goal.  Along the way she had many doors that were cracked just a bit and those cracked doors lead to opportunities that she had to explore. She encouraged all of us to look for those cracked doors and keep them in mind.

It made me think of my own path or hallway and the cracked doors along the way.

Recently I had a cracked door that I explored. It was more like a cracked door with someone opening it and luring me in. I have to share that it was a little uncomfortable and at times I thought that it was a huge waste of my time.

What I found inside was not part of a career path, but an opportunity to do some self -evaluation.  This opportunity gave me perspective and reiterated who I am and how to appreciate my own knowledge, skills, and abilities.  It allowed me to recommit myself to my values and my personal mission to inspire and lead people to their own hallway.

After the door shut completely, I started skipping down hallway with a renewed sense of how I want to inspire the world one Linking Indy Women event at a time.

So, even though you are headed down your own path or hallway and you have a goal, don’t dismiss the cracked doors. They may not be the answer, but they may hold the answer.

Enjoy skipping down your hallway! Now let’s go inspire people. Shall we?


Founder, Linking Indy Women